So far, every day has been differenet but here is an example of some of my days on the project Down Under. Some mornings field work can start as early as 5 AM or last through the night.
0730 Breakfast
0830 Class: Australian & Tropical Rainforest Environments
0945 Class: Australian Rainforest Classification
1100 Economic Theory & NRM impacts in Queensland
1200 Lunch!
1300 Rainforest Disturbance & succession
1430 Rainforest structure
1730 Dinner!
1930 Spotlighting
EXAMPLE DAY 2 Community Service Day
0700 Breakfast
0800 Rotates: Landcare, Nursery, Site Maintenance or Water Testing
1200 Lunch!
1300 Warrawork Atherton free time
1730 Dinner!
0730 Breakfast
0830 Field Work or write-up analysis
1200 Lunch!
1300 Field Work or write-up analysis
1730 Dinner!